Honorable Members of the International Chair in Bioethics,
World Bioethics Day Department of International Chair in Bioethics, WMA Cooperating Centre, is excited to announce the celebration of NINTH WORLD BIOETHICS DAY globally on Saturday, 19th October 2024. All the Units of the Chair across the world (263 as of today) are invited to celebrate the ‘Common Program’ as part of their commitment to proliferate the awareness and practice of Bioethical principles documented in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 2005.
The theme for this year’s celebration shall be ‘Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization’ This theme is inspired by Article 11 of UNESCO UDBHR. Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization are significant aspects of human interaction and relationships. In the current era of globalization, when people are moving across the globe and interacting with people like never before and this being further facilitated by advanced communication technologies, respect for various religions, cultures, ethnicities, social status becomes part of almost daily life for many of us. In this scenario, it becomes increasingly imperative that people should not be discriminated against and stigmatized based on these geographical, cultural, and ethnic or any such other grounds. These principles are underlined by the most basic bioethical principle of respect for human dignity and human rights, which is desired in all human interactions.
The Common Program and Timeline of the events for World Bioethics Day 2024 shall be as follows:

The Common Program and Timeline of the events for World Bioethics Day 2024 shall be as follows:
International Program: (To be coordinated by Unit Heads)
1. Name of Event: World Bioethics Day 2024
a. Official logo of International Chair in Bioethics, Porto (on the top right of this page and sent along with this email): It should also appear on all the documents, programs, banners/flyers related to WBD.
b. Official WBD Banner of Units: Every Unit should prepare its own official WBD banner as soon as possible. The same should bear the official logos, as mentioned above under point no. 1(a) and (b).
c. Official WBD Banner is prepared by WBD Department and circulated to all Units along with the email containing this program.
d. Official WBD logo (on the top left and sent along with this email): It should be used for all the documents, programs, banners/flyers related to WBD 2024.
2. First announcement:
Units of the Chair should announce the celebration of World Bioethics Day 2024 within the first week of June 2024 through their Universities/Institutions and institutional website(s) and/or other methods to all stakeholders (teaching faculty/students/nurses/private practitioners/public etc.) by publishing the official WBD 2024 banner released by the WBD Department. The International collaborators of Chair, e.g., WMA, IFMSA etc. shall also announce the program through their website(s) or by any other means as deemed fit and decided by them.
3. Submission of Draft/Tentative Program by the Units: The Unit Heads/Secretaries should submit the MS word file of their tentative program at https://forms.gle/1aUZu47DfT3agE4T7, latest by 10th July 2024. This is only a tentative program to express the commitment of the Unit to celebrate WBD 2024. Units can make changes in the same later but before submission of “Final Program”.
4. Promotion of Program by Units: It is advised that Units should try to expand the program beyond the limits of their Institutions to city, regional and national levels and ensure involvement of other stakeholders. It may be either in the form of celebration beyond the physical boundaries of Institution and/or actively involving various relevant professional organizations of the city in which unit operates, such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, lawyers, judges, hospitals (municipal/ corporate), philosophers, speech therapists, psychologists, social workers, journalists etc. Different groups of citizens should be invited to take active part in various programs organized by the Units, such as seminars, posters, debates, panel discussions, films etc. Units may collaborate with such professional organizations for the celebration of World Bioethics Day.
5. Submission of entries for various International Competitions: From the date of first announcement (that is 1st June 2024) till Saturday, 10th of August 2024.
All the international competitions will be on the theme of the year i.e. ‘Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization.’ 2. This year the categories of International Competitions for students shall be:
Artistic Poster Competition
Poetry Competition (English only)
Photography Competition
Short films/ videos Competition
Scientific Poster Competition
Scientific Research Paper Competition
ONLY ONE ENTRY per unit/student association per competitive category shall be allowed. Each entry shall be awarded a certificate with the name of student(s) and Unit. ONLY STUDENTS are allowed to participate in these International Competitions. NO FACULTY/ STAFF entries will be entertained. All entries should be sent along with the participants’ details as prescribed in the ‘Online Competition Registration Form’ at WBD 2024 - International Competition Registration Form.
All the units/student associations should participate in the International Competitions. If a Unit has multiple sub-units, such sub-units are NOT permitted to send separate entries. All such sub-units may send their entries to their Unit, which in turn shall select ONLY ONE entry per competitive event and submit the same as Unit’s entry in that event category. The winners will be awarded.
Entries for the International Competitions should be submitted by online form through Unit Heads’ email ID ONLY.
Entries submitted by any other means shall not be entertained.
It is suggested that Units should hold such competitions at their local level before Wednesday, 31st July 2024 and the First Winning entry should be sent for International Competitions before Saturday, 10th August 2024. All such entries of local competitive events along with winning entries may be displayed for the audience during the WBD celebrations on 19th October 2024.
6. Progress Information and Video conferencing:
a. Unit Heads should keep their Regional Coordinators (as per the Steering Committee details mentioned below) informed about the developments and any hindrances/difficulties faced by them.
b. Regional Coordinators shall share the information about developments in their region and any issues faced by them/raised by Units with Head of WBD Department, so that necessary and timely measures can be taken to resolve the same. This may be facilitated by video conference meetings of Unit Heads with Heads of Regions and/or the WBD department.
7. Submission of Final Program by the Units: On or before Saturday, 31st August 2024 to WBD Department by uploading the file on World Bioethics Day 2024 (Final Program Submission Form).
8. The Report of WBD 2024 celebration: Units should submit a report on World Bioethics Day 2024 as celebrated by their Units on or before 10th November 2024 to WBD Department worldbioethicsday.icb@gmail.com and to ‘Bioethical Voices’ Newsletter Editorial Board at bioethicalvoicesnews@gmail.com in the MS Word file format including pictures in the same file.
9. Special WBD issues of the Bioethical Voices Newsletter: Bioethical Voices will publish Final Programs of Units; and December 2024 issue will contain WBD 2024 reports of Units.
Suggested Common Program for Units (to be celebrated on 19th October 2024):
Session I: (Morning Session)
Part 1.
Opening speech by Head of the Unit or Head of the Institution.
Speech (es) by Head(s)/ representative(s) of collaborating Professional Organization(s).
The greetings of International or local representatives of International Chair in Bioethics, WMA Cooperating Centre.
The presentation of an award to an active member of the Unit.
Part 2.
Guest lecture/Panel Discussion/Webinar/Symposium on ‘Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization’, by experts in Bioethics/Senior Faculty and involving student representative(s). Targeted
audience should be junior staff, PG residents, UG students and Paramedics (Nursing and other supporting staff) and other stakeholders as decided by the Unit.
Session II (Afternoon Session): To encourage and enhance students' participation in the program, this session should include student activities and may include the following:
Part 3. Scientific Paper/Poster Presentation/Student Debate on ‘Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization’.
Part 4. Drawing/ Rangoli/ Poetry/ Singing/ Dance Competitions: (On ‘WBD Theme of the Year’)
Part 5. Display of entries of Scientific/Artistic Poster Competition, Short film/video Competition and Photography Competition.
Part 6. Valedictory Function.
In addition to the above, all Units should prepare flyer or poster for World Bioethics Day event. It is further suggested that these flyers/posters may be prepared by the students of various Institutions/Units and should be based on the ‘World Bioethics Day Theme of the year’.
(PS: Units are permitted to make appropriate changes in the common program to suit their requirements. Units are entitled to plan their celebration on a different date in the month of October ONLY subject to local conditions.)
In addition to International Competitive Events and Local Events, other Unit level events suggested are:
Essay writing competition.
Bioethics fair/ exhibition/ museum walk. Students may put up stalls and have street plays to create awareness among their colleagues, practicing doctors and laymen. A walk to the bioethics museum for the students and visitors can be organized.
Media appearances (Television/Radio).
Newspaper articles.
Units can choose any of the above or plan any other additional activities, depending on the feasibility.
Program for Students’ Wings of the Units:
Students’ Wings of the Units should be actively involved in the celebration of the event. Unit Heads, Steering committees of the Units and of Students’ Wings should ensure maximum participation of the students in the event. Students should proactively participate and play an important role in conduction of most of the ceremonies.
Students can also be involved in some social activities, depending on the feasibility of individual Unit and Institution. These can be:
Awareness programs at community level in the form of talks, role plays, skits etc. based on the theme of the World Bioethics Day 2024.
Service/support programs for underprivileged/ war affected individuals/families.
Any other.
Common Program for Students’ Associations:
IFMSA along with its associate medical associations worldwide will actively participate in the celebration of World Bioethics Day 2024. IFMSA should prepare the WBD plan and release the same for their member associations. IFMSA should release the tentative/confirmed dates for various planning milestones for their member associations, as deemed fit to them.
Important Notes (For all):
It is suggested to include as many stakeholders as possible in the celebration of the program.
Organizers will have the liberty for minor modifications/additions/deletions to the program.
All Units/student associations should celebrate WBD and participate in International Competitions.
All correspondence related to World Bioethics Day 2024 should be done ONLY on: worldbioethicsday.icb@gmail.com
Having weeklong celebrations: Units, if want, may hold weeklong program as per their feasibility (though it is not suggested as common program for all the Units), but this celebration should not change the Common Program as suggested for the World Bioethics Day 2024.
Please like, follow, and share the World Bioethics Day Department Facebook page of International Chair in Bioethics (https://www.facebook.com/internationalchairbioethics/) for regular updates.
World Bioethics Day Department, Steering Committee – 2024
Prof. Amon Carmi, Honorary Head, ICB, amnoncarmi@gmail.com
Prof. Rui Nunes, Head, ICB, ruinunes@med.up.pt
Prof. Praveen Arora, Head of Department, dr.praveen2811@gmail.com
Regional and other Coordinators (Ex-officio members)
Prof. Pierre EFFA, Head, African Division, effapierre@yahoo.fr
Prof. Russell d’Souza, Head, Asia-Pacific Division, russell.f.dsouza@gmail.com
Prof. Moty Benyakar, Co-Head, Ibero America Division, mbenyakar@gmail.com, motybenyakar@fibertel.com.ar
Prof. Rui Nunes, Head, Portuguese Language Countries Division, Co-Head, Ibero America Division, ruinunes@med.up.pt
Prof. M. Vasinova, Head, Official Newsletter Division, mvasinova@libero.it, bioethicalvoices@gmail.com
Prof. Daniel Fu Chang Tsai, Head, Official Website Division, fctsai@ntu.edu.tw
IFMSA representative, Students Associations Coordinator, lme@ifmsa.org
Creative Arts Section (for Artistic Posters and Poems)
Dr. Princy Louis Palatty, Section in-charge, princylp@aims.amrita.edu
Dr. Mary Mathew, Member, marymathew883@gmail.com
Dr. Andrie Panayiotou, Member, andrie.panayiotou@cut.ac.cy
Dr. Altin Stafa, Member, astafa@hotmail.com
Dr. Alessandra Pentone, Member, pentonealessandra@gmail.com
Photography and Film Section (for Photography and Short Films)
Prof. Juan Jorge Michel Fariña, Section-in-Charge, jjmichelfarina@gmail.com
Dr. Shailaja Mane, Member, dr.shailajamane7@gmail.com
Dr. Anu Sharma, Member, anuashwani@gmail.com
Dr. Srikumar Vasudevan, Member, srikumarvsd@gmail.com
Prof. Chantal Morosso, Member, c.morosso@mail.scuole.vda.it
Research Section (for Scientific Posters and Research Papers)
Dr. Rui Nunes, Section in-charge, ruinunes@med.up.pt
Prof. Natalia Oliva Teles, Member, natalia.oteles1@gmail.com
Prof. Shai Linn, Member, slinn@univ.haifa.ac.il, linnshai@gmail.com
Dra. María A. Tormo Domínguez, Member, maria.tormo@asisa.es
Prof. EFFA Pierre, Member, effapierre@yahoo.fr
Dr. Peter Prasanth, Member, praspeter@gmail.com
Prof. Patrizia Borsellino, Member, patrizia.borsellino@unimib.it